Current Classes

Raqs Sharqi with Tarifa Salem

Thursdays 6 PM Starting June 6

Tarifa Salem Eastern Dance Arts

These 75 minute classes will focus on refining technique through movement deconstruction, repetitive drilling, and the introduction of short sequences which will developed into a full choreography. Kinesiologically sound conditioning exercises for increased endurance, strength and flexibility (components imperative for all dance study) will be included in the warm-up and cool down to meet objectives for students to achieve greater success in executing Raqs Sharqi vocabulary with strength, flow and clarity and for reducing the risk of injury while dancing.

Classes will be held at the Tarifa Salem Eastern Dance space located at 800 Betsy Dr. Columbia, SC. Monthly Class Fee is $45 to be remitted before the first class of each month. This class is a Multi-Level Class suitable for Intermediate and Advanced level students.

  • Monthly Fee: $45 for 1 class, $80 for 2 classes, $100 for 3 or more classes to be sent via PayPal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) , Zelle using, OR… send check made out to “Donna Smith” and mail to 800 Betsy Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 (Mail early so check arrives well before first class.)

  • Students should dress in comfortable, form fitting movement attire, ie tights or leggings and form fitting top. A hip scarf or practice skirt is highly recommended. Please bring finger cymbals and veils to EVERY class.

  • *No-Refund Policy is in place.

Mind/Body Movement Lab

Tarifa Salem Eastern Dance Arts

Saturday 10 am Starting June 1st

This is an ongoing class for adults of any fitness level, with or without physical challenges who want to be more kinesthetically aware of how the body moves through various planes with regard to centeredness and movement efficiency.Tarifa employs exercises to develop strength, stability, balance and range of motion. Breathing and relaxation exercises help participants release tension and gives them a sense of well-being and confidence while going about their daily activities. Goals for participants are to increase functional fitness, enhance quality of life and to develop skill related components of fitness that may reduce risk of falling. Tarifa also employs principles of “Constructive Rest” which utilizes mental imagery and tactile aid to help release tension in muscles in various parts of the body. She employs methods of Dr. Andre Bernard who was one of her inspiring professors while working towards her MA degree in Dance Education at NYU.

  • Monthly Fee: $45 for 1 class, $80 for 2 classes, $100 for 3 or more classes to be sent via PayPal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) , Zelle using, OR… send check made out to “Donna Smith” and mail to 800 Betsy Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 (Mail early so check arrives well before first class.)

  • Students should dress in comfortable, form fitting movement attire, ie tights or leggings and form fitting top. A hip scarf or practice skirt is highly recommended. Please bring finger cymbals and veils to EVERY class.

  • *No-Refund Policy is in place.

Raqs Sharqi Online

Starting Spring 2024

The fee for each 75 minute class is $13 to be remitted via PayPal at or Zelle ( at least 24 hours before the start of class. Connect with Tarifa on the platform before signing up to insure your Skype account is active. Tarifa’s Skype profile name is live:tarifasalem. Once fee is sent via PayPal, you’ll be added to the class video chat. You’ll receive a call invite which you must respond to if you want to be included in the class. The video call will go out to everyone who responded promptly at 6:15 pm on the eve of each class so please be available on the platform. When Tarifa sends the call out you must respond by accepting it. Skype is a very user friendly platform but like everything else, it’s important to familiarize yourself with it.

Dates: March 12, April 9, May 21, June 18

*Recommendation: Please have your Skype open on the class chat page 10 minutes before the call goes out so you don’t miss it. You should test video and audio before the call goes out for each class.


Private Study with Tarifa

Private Study with Tarifa

By Appointment Only

All private classes are 1 hour sessions and can be scheduled by sending a message on our Contact page. Private study fee is $60 which must be remitted 1 week before scheduled class. Last minute cancellations will only be reimbursed 50% of the fee. (Private study classes are held at Tarifa’s private space in Columbia SC.)

“Raq” it Off

Tarifa Salem Eastern Dance Arts

Saturday 9 am Starting June 1st

This class is a bellydance fitness class that addresses all of the “Health Related Components of Fitness” and some of the “Skill Related Components” such as agility, balance and coordination through repetitive drilling of Tarifa’s favorite Raqs Sharqi movements and short sequences. Tarifa starts each class by employing repetitive low impact movement routines that utilize the large muscle groups of the body for the purpose of warming up and developing higher levels of cardiovascular fitness. She then guides participants through exercises that focus on the stability muscles of the core (abdominals, gluteals, chest, back, shoulders). Many of these exercises require the use of implements such as dumbbells or resistance bands for the purpose of applying the Overload Principle. Every class ends with a cool-down segment and a relaxing stretch & breathe segment to beautiful eastern music. This class is suitable for all levels but students should discuss taking this class with their healthcare provider to assess safety and risk factors with regards to their personal health. Modifications for intensity are always introduced for the benefit of individual students who may have physical limitations to consider.

  • Monthly Fee: $45 for 1class, $80 for 2 classes, $100 for 3or more classes to be sent via PayPal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) , Zelle using, OR… send check made out to “Donna Smith” and mail to 800 Betsy Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 (Mail early so check arrives well before first class.)

  • Students should dress in comfortable, fitness attire including athletic shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to EVERY class.

  • *No-Refund Policy is in place.

Raqs Balady/Folkloric

Tarifa Salem Eastern Dance Arts

Saturday 11 am Starting June 1st

Join Tarifa every Saturday to learn the beautiful cultural dances of the Middle Eastern and North African folk and develop your of understanding of the people from where these dances come and regional nuances of each based on the knowledge of source instructors and anthropological research of Ibrahim Farrah, Tarifa’s mentor. Class protocol involves a general body warm-up which will include center floor barre, isolation of body parts, and mild stretching. After the warm-up the focus will be on traditional Axial and Locomotor movement vocabulary. Class will conclude with choreographed drill sequences in which content introduced earlier will be applied. Dances will include but will not be limited to Dabke, Saiidi, Assaya, Sudani, Balas and Handkerchief Dance. Students are encouraged to wear dance/fitness attire that does not restrict movement with a hip scarf. Please bring sagat (finger cymbals) if you have them. This class is suitable for all levels.

  • Monthly Fee $45 to be sent via PayPal (FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLEASE) , Zelle using, OR… send check made out to “Donna Smith” and mail to 800 Betsy Dr. Columbia, SC 29210 (Mail early so check arrives well before first class.)

  • Students should dress in comfortable, form fitting movement attire, ie tights or leggings and form fitting top. A hip scarf or practice skirt is highly recommended. Please bring finger cymbals to EVERY class.

  • *No-Refund Policy is in place.